The Secret Gate of Life

The Secret Gate of Life

“This is the seat of the Soul but the Gate of Life is the Soul’s Soul, it is the seat in which the Soul can enter into its’ Spirit body or Astral body or Causal Body whilst still the human body is in sleep, is in a meditation, is in Sivasana. It is a most important Gateway.”

In this darshan Mafu expands our understanding of Chakric Consciousness and gives an initiation into the ancient "Secret Gate of Life". He also gives a breath technique for clearing dense auric field energies by transmuting them into the light of happiness and joy.

June 13, 1999
Run time: 1 hour, 18 minutes
Paramatman Dharma Ashram

The Secret Gate of Life
  • The Secret Gate of Life

    "This is the Seat of the Soul but the Gate of Life is the Soul’s Soul, it is the Seat in which the Soul can enter into its’ Spirit body or Astral body or Casual Body whilst still the human body is in sleep, is in a meditation, is in Sivasana.  It is a most important Gateway."