Star Diamond Kundalini Meditation
"Think of a Star, a glowing orb in the sky... Condensed Power. I want you to know that this light enters you... becomes what I Am."
In this powerful guided meditation initiation, Mafu chants ancient sounds of Enlightenment and guides a transcendent Kundalini Meditation for our prosperity of Health, Wealth and Awakening.
Health Wealth Awakening
June 6, 2009
Run time: 43 minutes
Paramatman Dharma Ashram
Star Diamond Kundalini Meditation
"Think of a Star, a glowing orb in the sky... Condensed Power. I want you to know that this light enters you... becomes what I Am."
In this powerful guided meditation initiation, Mafu chants ancient sounds of Enlightenment and guides a transcendent Kundalini Medit...