Satyam Nadam:  The Temple of the Heart

Satyam Nadam: The Temple of the Heart

"Give the Spirit of your nature the Robe of Joy. Perfect this Meditation technique I have given to you. Practice it. Feel the electricities move out of your Eyes. Become completely Absorbed in the sensation of the White Light moving inside your Spine, Sushumna. Feed the Ida and Pingala nerves everywhere, the Kriya, the Life Everywhere. The electricities coming to the Center, Everywhere they move out from the Center. Become in Samadhi and with this Absorption beyond Fixity, “I Am,” Concentrate, Samadhi, Absorption."

In this Sacred Meditation Initiation, Mafu teaches the first three principles of a Spiritual Path and guides a Powerful Kundalini White Light Meditation harmonizing the electricities of the Self as Paramatman; the Way of the Highest Consciousness 'I Am'.

July 25, 1999
Run time: 1 hour, 5 minutes
Paramatman Dharma Ashram

Satyam Nadam:  The Temple of the Heart
  • Satyam Nadam: The Temple of the Heart

    "Give the Spirit of your nature the Robe of Joy. Perfect this Meditation technique I have given to you. Practice it. Feel the electricities move out of your Eyes. Become completely Absorbed in the sensation of the White Light moving inside your Spine, Sushumna. Feed the Ida and Pingala nerve...